Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Woman’s Pray

Woman’s  Pray
Lord, I pray for a man that will be a part of my life. A man that really loves You more than everything, a man that lives not for himself but for You. He must know for whom and what he lives, so his life isn’t useless. Someone that has a wise heart not only a smart brain. A man that not only adores me, but can warm me when I’m wrong. A man that can be my best friend. A man that makes me feel like a woman when I’m beside him. I don’t ask for a perfect man but I ask for an imperfect man and a good person. A man that needs my support, my love, my prayer for his life. Give me Your hands so I always be able to pray for him. Give me Your eyes, so I can see good things in him and not the bad one. Give me Your mouth that is filled with Your words of wisdom so I can support him. And I want that finally both of us can say “How great Thou Art”
I hope we can happy life together until we pass away . Amen

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

Love Story

Love story is very popular story in my life. Love is not always blind, love can see how much you know about life. Sometimes love make you happy and sadness at the same time. But in another time make u happy a few minutes, lost your rejoice, you will crying every night. Behind this, love can make u laughter over laughter every moment with who loves you. Although you hate him/her in your deep heart you really miss him/ her